LEJOG Day 20 – Skail to Thurso, Sunday 29th September 2024 (Remembering Steve Legg)

We had a very interesting night in the Wee House Glamping pod. Maybe we should say that what goes in the Wee Hoose, stays in the Wee Hoose! Suffice to say, it was very wee, but actually quite cosy and we had everything we needed.

I should also say the kind owners of the Wee Hoose, donated our night’s stay, including the lovely breakfast (dinner) as one of their charity nights, so the normal cost of the stay will be added to the fundraising.

Our ride started with a temperature a couple of degrees warmer but even so I still felt that I had brain freeze!

We continued North along the banks of the River Naver. We could tell that the sun was gradually preparing to shine from behind the clouds.

At a couple of points some highland cows were just hanging out on the road and they didn’t budge an inch as we wove between them!

By the time we reached Bettyhill, the sun was shining, we climbed a hill and there in the distance appeared the North Sea. The last time we had seen the sea was in Cornwall! This was a most beautiful and breath-taking sight not least for its significance of having ridden from south to North of the country.

Claire was waiting at the top of the hill and we enjoyed a coffee in a hotel overlooking the bay.

Proceeding on towards Reay. Th road threaded between mountains and sea. Shortly before reaching our next stopping point, the Reay Golf Club, Carol unfortunately suffered a split tyre. This was the second puncture of the trip, the first being mine on Exmoor near the start. Reaching the Golf Club we had some lunch and then set to repairing the damage using a brand new tyre and innertube courtesy of Adrian’s kit bag!

Once repaired, we headed on to our destination for the night, Sandra’s Hostel in Thurso.

The hostel was very well equipped and we enjoyed a kedgeree supper.

It is quite hard to take in that tomorrow will be our final day of riding. This feels both exciting and sad at the same time. It has been a most incredible journey with one of the highlights most certainly being the stunning and varied landscape of Scotland.


Claire’s Video:

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